Experiencing a Blizzard?

Experiencing a Blizzard?

Blizzard Social Media Graphics for Businesses by CI Web Group

We’re in this together

Experiencing a Blizzard?

We're Here For You

How Can
We Help?

The CI Web Group, Inc. team is here for you during this time. Whether you’re needing social media graphics, changes to your advertising/promotions, website adjustments, or even to speak with us about your marketing strategy, we want to help you. Our customer service team is available 24/7 at help@ciwebgroup.com or you can call us or text us at (877) 839-1122. If there’s anything at all that we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You are all in our thoughts during this time, please stay safe!

Needing to Update Your Website?

Request a Website / Promotions Change

24/7 Customer support during the blizzard - get free hvac social media graphics from CI Web Group

How would you like us to help?

We’ve updated many websites over the years in preparation or during major weather events. In our time, here’s the most effective things that a local business can do during a momentary lapse in normal operation:

How would you like to submit your request?


If you don’t find what you need, please get in touch with us

Business Graphics for Blizzards

About our social media

The CI Web Group, Inc. team has been creating and managing social media posts for our customers since 2005. We’ve had the pleasure of providing graphics for many industries, from local businesses, to national organizations. Our team also offer animated videos! Furthermore, our crew is always up for the challenge, so if you don’t see what you’re looking for – ask us!


Current Customers

All graphics are available on www.mysocialmediagraphics.com, so you can follow your normal process there, or use the form below.


Guest Requests

Need a graphic to let your audience know your status? Submit the form below and we’ll email your choices to you.


Submit a Request

If you can’t quite find what you’re looking for, you can submit a custom request here. Average turnaround times are 2 business days.

if you need us

We’re an email away, 24/7

At CI Web Group Inc, We Offer the Best seo services for small businesses at an affordable price. Our main motive only is customer satisfaction.